Circus Kids Classes
In our 60-minute Circus Kids classes, your child will explore a variety of circus arts skills in our multi-disciplinary classes. Aerial silks, trapeze, tumbling and juggling are just a few of the ways our circus kids get to move, build strength and experience creative movement. Visit our class descriptions page to learn more.
We offer drop-in, class cards and monthly memberships for the best rate on your child's training. Class cards have a 30-day expiration. Membership options vary based on the number of classes taken per week. Please visit our pricing page for full description of payment options.
Aerial Levels
Currently we offer 3 different levels of aerial classes to accommodate acrobats of all abilities! Our levels are Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Not sure what level class your child should be in? Intermediate aerialists should have mastered just the beginner syllabus, while advanced aerialists must have completed the intermediate syllabus for lyra, trapeze, and silks. Download our levels sheets or contact us directly for placement.